Large Business Health Insurance & Employee Benefits (51 + Employees)

To receive a customized Large Group proposal please tell us how we may contact you.

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Last Name * :
Title :
Company :
Type of Business or SIC :
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I would like to receive a proposal for the following Large Business Employee Benefits.

Group Health Short Term Disability
Group Dental Long Term Disability
Group Vision AD&D
Group Life Worker’s Compensation Insurance
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Enhanced Employee Group Benefits At Optimized Costs

With businesses with more than 50 employees, large group health employee benefits would apply. While many of the advantages of small business health insurance are similar for large groups, the underwriting process and annual cost structures tend to favor company census and experience.

Still, in today's business environment, Large group employee benefits, when properly designed, can continue to provide your enterprise with a competitive advantage in the market place. At Clarify Insurance our approach is to help employers design integrated employee benefit programs while keeping an eye on the bottom line. By adding specialized and extended resources to your HR team, we can help you design, implement and maintain cost competitive and forward thinking optimized group benefits.