Small Business Health Insurance & Employee Benefits (1-50 employees)

To request small business health insurance quotes and explore employee benefits savings please tell us how we may reach you.

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I would like to receive a proposal for the following Small Business Employee Benefits.

Group Health Short Term Disability
Group Dental Long Term Disability
Group Vision AD&D
Group Life Worker’s Compensation Insurance
Captcha *   : 9 + 4 =

We probably don't have to convince you that company sponsored employee benefits can be a powerful recruitment and strategic retention tool. With passage of the Affordable Care Act, a small business can get up tp 35% tax credit for offering employees group health insurance:

  • Employers with 1-24 employees
  • With average yearly salaries less then $50,000 excluding owners, directors and officers

At Clarify Insurance we are committed to helping small to large businesses accomplish their objectives through the strategic implementation of cost effective employee benefits programs including group health insurance, group disability insurance,  group dental insurance,  group vision insurance,  group life insurance and mandatory worker's compensation insurance. 

Cost effective group health insurance is the cornerstone of a well designed employee benefits program.  As a small business with 1- 50 employees you can take advantage of a combination of health plans that align with your business objectives and budget. 

Equally important to a well balanced employee benefits program is the addition of the salary protection that short term disability insurance and long term disability insurance can provide.  To complement state disability insurance programs many employers offer added disability insurance plans to get around the income limits imposed by traditional state sponsored disability insurance plans.

Finally a well designed small business employee benefits program may include group dental insurance group vision insurance employer sponsored Health Savings Accounts Flexible spending accounts and even financial education and planning as an added service to employees.

Integration of business medical insurance with dental insurance, vision insurance,  group life insurance and even workers compensation insurance serves to provide additional savings to the employer while ensuring a healthy productive and competitive work force is in place. 

When you submit a request for small business group health insurance proposal,  Clarify Insurance will create a proposal customized to your business objectives.  There is never any obligation or added cost to you